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The Gladius Academy
For some time now, I have been wondering how to expand my business portfolio and one of the options that keeps appearing at the top of my list of possibilities is online teaching. To that end, some time ago I purchased a clutch of domain names based on the idea…

Prostate Cancer: Nearing the End of Radiotherapy
Friends, relatives and clients alike have been amazingly supportive over the last couple of months as my course of radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer has progressed. Today, I underwent the 34th out of 37 treatments, which means that next Tuesday, 4th August, will be my final treatment. It’s been…
Prostate Cancer: A Personal Journey
Last week, I was given a diagnosis of locally advanced prostate cancer. After getting over the initial shock, I decided that the best way to cope and also to share information that would encourage other men to get themselves checked, would be to make a video diary of my experience,…

Author Insights: Six of the Best with Jessica Bell
Jessica Bell is an award-winning author and writing and publishing coach. Having admired her incredibly diverse achievements from afar, I was delighted to finally meet Jessica at London Book Fair earlier this year. In addition to her novels and poetry collections, and her bestselling Writing in a Nutshell series, Jessica Bell has…

Author Insights: Six of the Best with Alison Morton
Welcome to Alison Morton, author of the acclaimed Roma Nova series. I first met Alison at an indie author festival in London, where she surprised everyone by revealing a stick the same length as a Roman gladius that she keeps for inspiration. As a martial artist, I got quite excited about this, which shows…

Author Insights: Six of the best with Piers Alexander
I’m so pleased that author and serial entrepreneur Piers Alexander has agreed to be my second victim for this new series on the blog which has already attracted a great deal more attention than anything else I’ve ever done on this site. (There’s a lesson right there…) I first encountered Piers…

A Day at London Book Fair 2017
I’ve never been to the London Book Fair before. It’s a little overwhelming. Here’s some advice. Whatever the temperature outside, it’s boiling hot inside Olympia. Do not overdress. Wear comfortable shoes. I’ll say that again: WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES. I made the mistake of wearing stylish, fancy shoes and am…

An End and a Beginning
It’s that time when we look back over the previous 12 months and start thinking about the coming year. What have I done? Where am I now? Where am I going? To be honest, I gave up making new year’s resolutions a long time ago, when I realised that convincing myself…

A Day In the Life of a Designer/Writer/Editor
“Designer, writer, editor – what’s that all about, Henry? Can’t you make your mind up?” Even if people don’t say it out loud, I can often see it in their faces. And that’s fair enough: most people have a single day job which is simple to describe. They’re a plumber,…