Last week, I was given a diagnosis of locally advanced prostate cancer. After getting over the initial shock, I decided that the best way to cope and also to share information that would encourage other men to get themselves checked, would be to make a video diary of my experience,…

GDPR – inevitably!
Just like everyone else who runs any kind of business on the internet, I’ve been busy over the last few days ensuring that I comply with the latest GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which comes into effect on 25th May. Trust me, this has been as tedious for businesses as…

Dragon Dictation for Writers on the Mac
With a number of life challenges demanding my time over recent months, I have singularly failed to make sufficient progress on the first draft of Wargaming Campaigns, the book I have been promising to Pen & Sword for the last… ooh… four years! (A repeat performance, indeed, of my first…

Damien Hirst in Venice: Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable Part 2
As promised, this is the follow-up to the previous gallery post about Damien Hirst’s Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable. This post features images from the second part, which is being held in the Palazzo Grassi on the Grand Canal. I want to acknowledge the lovely Joanna Penn who first…

Damien Hirst in Venice: Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable Part 1
A departure for me: a photo gallery based on an art exhibition. But what an exhibition! I confess I have never been a fan of Damien Hirst, but his monumental – and I mean that most sincerely – Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable is a truly breathtaking outing…

Europe: Our Best Hope
I’ve never posted about politics before, but this is far too important an issue to ignore, so here’s what I have to say about the EU Referendum. Naturally, your opinions may differ. Less than three weeks from now, citizens of the United Kingdom will be given the chance to alter…

Breaking Chains
It’s been a momentous few days, folks! On Sunday, I hit the milestone age of 55 (so technically I could start taking my pension, if I had a pension worth taking!) and I decided to take stock of where I am in life, and where I want to be. As…

Out Of The Fog
Does this ever happen to you? You decide on a course and set out with the best of intentions, only to find yourself overtaken by life events, work, health issues and a general sense of weariness. Well, that’s what’s happened to me. Just emerging from a cold, but still swamped…

An End and a Beginning
It’s that time when we look back over the previous 12 months and start thinking about the coming year. What have I done? Where am I now? Where am I going? To be honest, I gave up making new year’s resolutions a long time ago, when I realised that convincing myself…

2 for 1
The last time I posted here was just after the appalling bombings in Paris. The shock of those events, and the intensity of the subsequent debate about the appropriate response, both for us as individuals and collectively as an international community, left me somewhat lost for words in the form of blog…