People wonder how you write a book. Here’s your answer.
You either stay up late at night like I do, in order to crank out a couple of thousand words a day, or you get up really early in the morning, early bird fashion, and get it done before the world wakes up. Or you slot in little micro-sessions during the day, 20 minutes here, 15 minutes there. Others have been known to take their lunchtime sandwich and lock themselves in their car with the laptop or iPad.
Whatever floats your boat, but the bottom line is: Do The Work.
I managed over 2,200 words tonight, beginning after midnight and here I am signing off at around 3.15am. It’s how I wrote my first 520-page monster, The Wargaming Compendium, so it’s uncomfortable but familiar territory.
If you want to be a writer, you’ve got to find the time to write. No excuses. Simple.
I sometimes wonder what I’d do if I won the lottery and didn’t have to hold down a day job to pay the bills. Would having as much time as I liked take away my ability to write? Is it the time pressure that makes the art happen?
Deadlines are powerful tools!

Waving to you from the other end of the day. Putting in some hours before a day’s freelance subbing. Now checking emails.
Hi Roz—I hope Ever Rest (is that still the working title?) is progressing well. Respect for the schedule you keep! X
It is still called Ever Rest, Henry! I’m trying to clear some other freelance work out of the way so I can give it some more TLC. xx