Henry Hyde: Designer, Writer, Podcaster

The Rain in Spain…

…falls, thankfully, mainly somewhere other than on Cádiz in October, which meant that my partner Annie and I had a delightful break in Andalucia and remained dry for at least five of our seven days away. Admittedly, we did get soaked on the last two days (we actually spent our…

Venice Writing Course: Advanced Self-Editing Skills for Authors

This week, I interviewed Roz Morris who tutored our group of enthusiastic writers at the first ever Creative Retreats in Italy event, hosted by my sister Janys Hyde in Venice. Q 1: Hi Roz and thanks for agreeing to tell my readers something about the course you ran recently in Venice.…

Words of a Feather Venice Writing Retreat

Last week was one of the most exciting I’ve had in years. On Monday 14th September, I flew out to Venice with Roz Morris, who was set to deliver her Self-Editing for Authors course on behalf of my sister Janys Hyde’s Creative Retreats in Italy enterprise (also publicised via her Words…